Interim Progress Report
- Head and Neck Cancer Growth Suppression by Lactoferrin
- 2004 AHNS Young Investigator Award
- Jeffrey S. Wolf , MD Principal Investigator
- Award period: 2004-2005. Published July 15, 2005
Progress: We have made excellent progress on our study. We completed growth response experiments on all cell lines per our protocol. We have identified G1/G0 growth arrest via decreases in Cyclin D as the method of growth inhibition. We have not found any evidence of apoptosis induction.
As we hypothesized, we found inhibition of IL-8 production by lactoferrin in the cell lines tested.
Abstracts and Manuscripts:
Wolf, J.S., Li, G., Taylor, R.J., Varadhachary, A., Petrak, K., Ongkasuwan, J., Li, D., O’Malley, Jr., B.W.: Human Lactoferrin Induces Growth Arrest and IL-8 Inhibition in Human Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, March 2005.
Expenditures for the first Year: $7000
Budget and Plans for the Second Year:
During the next year of this project, we will fully evaluate effect of lactoferrin on NF-Kb activity. We will confirm our cytokine findings by both Elispot and microarrays. We will also perform microarrays and PCR to further elucidate the mechanism of G1/G0 growth arrest.
Year 2 Budget:
Cell Culture disposables: 1500
Elisa Kits, Elispot 4500
Lactoferrin 4000
Arrays 3000
Total: 13000
We certainly are excited about our progress and appreciate the support the American Head ands Neck Society is providing in helping us initiate this stimulating and challenging area of research.